Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Life Changes

View of my hometown shortly after a wildfire burned up the side of "Rabbit Hill"
 Would it be cliche if I were to say how long it has been since I have written here?  Do I really need to explain that and the reasons why I have not blogged regularly?  No?  Didn't think so.
Let me just say, life has been interesting this past year and a half.  In April of 2011 my husband was laid off from his full time job and then was later put on medical leave/disability from his part time job because of a bad hip.  So for nearly a year, we have lived off of savings and when that ran out we decided to move in with my parents (CRAZY, I KNOW!!!) who live in a small town in Idaho.  The kids love it here.  Love the freedom.  Me?  I don't know if love is the word I would use to describe my current living situation.  This is the town that I grew up in and the people are, for the most part, the same, but older.  I see many people whom I recognize but cannot for the life of me remember their names.  I have been amazed at how many people who I grew up with still live in this sleepy little town.  My mind is seriously baffled as to why, but whatever. 

The main difference between small town life and big city living is that it only takes 5 minutes to get from one side of town to the other.  My kids can now walk to school, scouts, and to their friends house without any effort on my part.  I think I kind of like that, but I also kind of miss busing everyone around.  Strange, I know!

Currently, my husband is living 1000 miles away from me and the kids working part time again after having surgery to fix his bum hip and looking for work.  This has got to be one of the most stressful depressing situations that I have ever had to work through.  I think because I have no idea when it will end. 

Will it? 

And yet as I worry about my family and the difficulties that we must go through on earth-the burdens that are, in effect, crushing me, I know that there are some who have it so much harder than I do!  As I plead for God's grace and mercy I realize that He has helped me through to another day and I cannot help but feel grateful for that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm sorry that you are having to live apart from Brandon. I know how hard it is... We are praying for your situation to go the way it should. We love you, and miss you! You should come and visit us some time! Companies are seriously hard up for jobs here! :) Its not so bad here! ;)

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