Monday, December 12, 2011

Primarily an Adventure

One of the reasons why I have not devoted time to my blog this past year is because of certain responsibilities that I have in my church.  I have the opportunity to serve as  Primary President in my ward.  Something I have found to be truly inspiring and rewarding.  

Yesterday, I taught (and I say that loosely) one of my monthly sharing time lessons to a group of 4-7 year olds.  I had been planning for a few weeks to do a certain lesson but at the last minute I decided to change what I was going to do and show the kids a short video about the birth of Christ. When I rolled the TV into the room, the kids became excited.  Who doesn't like to watch a video?  I did a quick recap of my lesson from the week before and then proceeded to start the film. 

The movie starts out really quiet so when the kids started to tell me that they couldn't hear it I said, "It's really quiet.  It will get louder in a minute." 

But it never did.  The audio wasn't working.  Pandamonium broke out.  Most All of the kids were anxious and wanted to watch it right now! 

 "Crap!  What do I do now!?"  I thought to myself.
Quickly, I debated between coloring or opening the New Testament to Luke 2 and simply read the nativity story.  But as I stood there thinking, looking at the children I knew that I had lost them.  So I asked for music then bolted.  Just kidding.  Sort of. 

I went to get help. 

First person I saw was kind Brother Lewis.  He came in and checked everything out.  No luck.  Then I sped walked down the hall to find my husband who knows and understands my laptop.  Yes, he has a personal relationship with my computer that I had downloaded the video on.  My husband helped me connect the technological device to the TV at the church which was working fine when he tested it.  Unfortunately, he couldn't fix it at that moment either.  So I decided, with 5 minutes left of my lesson, to watch the video anyway.  Without sound. 

As we start watching, five minutes into it mind you, my counselor and friend, Marci, jumps up and starts reading the verses of scripture from Luke 2.  Meanwhile, a few of the kids have completely gone insane and are throwing epic temper tantrums and their teachers faces are red from frustration. I leave Marci to reading and I go sit by one of kids who has gone mad threatening to take him to his parent.  Which is like a death sentence for most kids, you know. 

With all of the craziness going on, the music is still playing and the kids are still out of control --and I have to have control!  But there was no way it was going to be coming back anytime soon!  Getting the picture?

Picture found here
 When my, ahem, lesson was over I thanked Marci for her help, quickly dismissed the kids and teachers to their classrooms, hauled the TV out, and took a 30 minute breather.  Enough time to find my chi and fix the video for the second round of sharing time for the older group of kids (8-11 years old).  Which by the way went perfectly smooth.

I wasn't until later that night, after an amazing board meeting, that I was finally able to decompress and laugh about it.  It was kind of like a nightmare come to fruition and thinking back, the whole experience was actually quite hilarious!  I hope to always remember those crazy moments of life in that way.  These are the days of our lives, definately not to be forgotten!

My name is Kendra.  I am a wife, a mother, a slightly shell shocked sharing time teacher and Primary President.  I am a Mormon!

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