My oldest son, Ethan, tried out and made the 5th/6th grade basketball team this fall. This was a dream come true for him as he had been wanting to participate in a team sport for quite some time. It was really fun to watch him play and grow as a basketball player. Fifth grade basketball is much more impressive now than it was when I was that age, and considering their ages and level of experience I thought the kids played really great! At the end of the season, they ended up in 5th place out of 21 schools and even beat an undefeated team! By the way, after that particular game a few of the boys, from the once undefeated team, were seen crying. I hear. Overall, this was a good experience for my number 1 child.
One kid, a small little guy, played his heart out. If there was a most valuable player he would be it because he wasn't afraid to do anything. He was even willing to sacrifice his body for the love of the game. Well now, let me take that back. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't suggest that my boy was just as deserving of said honor, if not more so? He is excellent on defense and works well with his teammates to help set the play so they can score! This doesn't surprise me at all because Ethan is an impressive young man. On and off the court. He does all that I ask of him and sometimes I ask a lot. Our family dynamics are a little bit different than most other families, I think, and I often have to rely on him to look after his younger brother and sisters. He is awesome!
I didn't take too many pictures, but of the few I took this one is my favorite. During the end of season tournament, Ethan and his team played against a group of boys twice their size. All the kids are supposed to be 5th and 6th graders, except most of the boys on this one particular team looked like they were 8th graders. I kid you not. Take a look-see and judge for yourself. And for your information, this kid did not succeed in getting past Ethan.
Ethan's coach, Mrs M., is giving the kids a pep talk during half time. She is a kind coach and I hope she is there next year to do it again! She helped these kids progress so much.
When it comes to team sports, an observation that I have made is how the parents get so involved with a game like it's life or death, or something. Not that I would know anything about that because I am such a submissive and meek person. It's just that the kid who started and finished the game could. not. make. a. single. shot. to. save. his. life. And the point guards --dribble, dribble, dribble-- who never freakin' passed the ball. I mean come on!
Pass the ball!
Ethan is WIDE open!
And the next thing I know I yelling my head off at the kids.
Heads turn, I smile. Nothing wins a person over better than with a smile, right? I mean that's how I hooked My Man but that is a story for another time.
What to remember for next year? Never forget that they are just 5th and sixth graders.
ha ha ha! I love it! You have dad's gene... "COME ON REF!" "PASS THE BALL!!"
lol ;)
way to go Ethan, and yes those were not 5th 6th graders that is funny, they were more than a head taller than all
Pretty funny, Kendra. I can just see you yelling. Nice work, Ethan!
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