Saturday, January 8, 2011

I'm Living My Dream!

The last few months I have been thinking quite a bit about the theme of this blog and how I wanted to present myself and the way I think.  I am not one to embellish or exaggerate much.  Occasionally, I am able to write something that is somewhat humorous.  I think.  But what you read here is who I really am.  How I really think.

One day I was searching the Internet to find out why other people have their own bucket lists, when I came across Alexis Grant's blog.  This is what she has to say about having her bucket list: "It’s more than a list of goals — it’s a compilation of dreams. We often work toward our goals, but leave our dreams to the wayside, hoping they might happen on their own. But you have to work toward your dreams just like you work toward your goals. You have to make those dreams happen. Writing those dreams on paper turns them into goals, makes them attainable, tangible, doable — aspirations to work toward, instead of pipe dreams that might eventually happen." 

I liked what she said so I decided to "copy and paste" it onto my blog. As I have been evolving, into what I consider to be a better person, I have come to realize that I am living my bucket list.  I am living my DREAM!  My bucket list is not just a list of things to do before I die.  It is my past, present and future.  It is my reality.  Here is why:  When I was a little girl, all I wanted to be was a mommy.  I would take care of my baby dolls, and kittens like they were my flesh and blood.  I was eight years old when my sister was born and I had a blast changing her diapers and looking after her.  In fact, I thought that all little girls had the same dream as me.  Seriously, I did.

Do you see how I am living my Bucket List?  I managed to snag a very patient and loving husband who gives in to all of my whims.  I have four "cherubic" children who still like to give me hugs and kisses and snuggle in our family pew at church. 

Trouble is, I have found it way too easy to get caught up in my daily routines that sometimes I lose sight of what my long term goals are.  {Aren't we all kinda guilty of this to some degree or another?}  My long term goals aren't worldly, but they are everlasting.  To understand this you also have to understand the great Plan of Salvation that God the Father has set forth for us all.  He wants us to be happy, to become more like His Son -Jesus Christ, and to return to live with Him. 

"For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39).

I guess in a nutshell this is what my bucket list is all about.

The Tree of Life

1 comment:

Terry and Kathy said...

This is a good reminder to help me keep focused on what is really most important in my life.

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