Monday, October 25, 2010

The Latest and Greatest Project

As I'm sure you are aware that there are a plethera of craft websites out there on the world wide web.  I've learned how to make some cool stuff like fabric twist flowers and mini scrapbooks to name two.  Recently, my sister showed me some really cute burp rags that someone had put on their blog, complete with a pattern and tutorial.  (see here)  I bookmarked it confident that one day I just might need to whip-up a few dozen burp rags to gift out. 

Well, the day came and I have been spending the last few days slaving over adorable fabrics, cutting, sewing, snipping, and finally I have finished after many long hours of the tedious work.  I hate to sew.  I tried to like it this time, I really did! 



The burp cloths will make excellent gifts for new mom's in my area. 

If you need something to do, try making these.  They are super easy to do and extremely useful too!

Now onto my next project...


Unknown said...

I really like the fabrics that you used. I will be posting mine today! :) It was fun to "make them with you." What is our next project?

Terry and Kathy said...

What a darling gift idea! You could probably sell those on the net! I'll bet they are easy to make!

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