Wednesday, November 10, 2010

No Excuses! Well Maybe Just One...

I have goals and believe it or not, they do exist.  You see, I have a checklist in my brain that tells me what I need to accomplish.  I have a major project that I need to finish before the end of the year and I haven't even started yet.  I don't know what I'm waiting for...maybe a little inspiration.  Or something.  If you knew what the project was I think that you would totally understand my hesitation.

You see, if you come to my house hopefully you will see the bottom half of my house to be a least somewhat tidy.  But if you walk upstairs you will see this at the end of the hall. 

My bedroom is not any better. Craft stuff is stashed everywhere. For someone like me who likes organization it is maddening.  The closet under the stairway needs a little TLC as well.  See?

Look, I'm putting myself out there, so don't judge me too harshly.  I make no excuses for the slop.  It is what it is.  So why am I not getting my butt in gear and sorting all the crap right now?  That's an easy one.  My girls are napping and I have "other" work to do.  Blog, homework, church work.  I have to fit it all in somehow.  (Looks like I do make excuses, don't I?)  One thing at a time I tell myself.  It might take me nine months to finish something but at least it will be done perfectly, right?

Oh boy, I could really use a personal assistant. 

Any takers?


Unknown said...

he he he... I TOTALLY understand. Those bigger projects are....difficult to get started on. Hang in there! I realize that you are probably your worst critic, as I am my own.

ChileGoogs said...

You need to watch the TV show Hoarders, you can find it on hulu or may surprise you.

Terry and Kathy said...

It reminds me of my do-it-yourself extreme home makeover project to clean out all my closets. I got sidetracked with a bunch of other things to do and can't seem to get back to it.

Doing what is most important. Rigth?

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