I am learning of more and more people that I know whose windows, solar panels, and sky lights are shattered. They are spending the evening cleaning up glass and water. Our neighborhood didn't get hit as hard and I'm grateful for that. Everything is still intact. I'm praying things stay that way. The Phoenix Valley sure has some freaky weather sometimes! Mylanta!
This is a picture of a couple of pieces of hail...next to a quarter!
Sorry, it is kinda blurry.
We were in the car when the storm hit. I had Joshie and the girls. They were all scared to death. Emma was bawling and Kacey was hiding under a blanket. Joshie's eyes were as big as saucers. I hoped the windows wouldn't break and wondered when in the world it would end.
Here is my poor car. Boo hoo.
Can you see the big dent?
When we pulled onto our street there was a beautiful full rainbow over our house.
Followed by a double. The second one is a little hard to make out. I wish I had a better camera to capture this stuff.
Then I turned around to the west and saw the sun coming out of the clouds and I took this half decent snapshot.
I can only think of God's majesty and power. I am still in awe.
and people think idaho weather is crazy!!! The dents in the car would make me so mad!!! Jylisha
That is insane! what you going to do about the dents? And what does that say about solar collectors is the heavens against them?
Solar panels make practicle sense though.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the dents yet. I haven't called the insurance company yet.
Those are awesome pictures of the rainbows and the sun coming out of the clouds. To me they are majestic reminders that God is still watching over you, in spite of the horrific storm and hail, and that the righteous need not fear.
Love, Mom
All I can say is "Holy smokes!" I have heard of such rain, but I have never personally experienced it! That is one to go down in the books. I'm with Jylisha, I would be mad about the dents all over my car! I hope the insurance can do something about it!
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